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Board & Governance

After consultation with various potential members, the decision to incorporate the cooperative was made. The paperwpork was completed for filing in late June 2024. Once the incorporation is completed, the cooperative has 18 months to file their bylaws and hold the first AGM. 


Three founding members, or the first board, were needed to incorporate the cooperative. They are: Vernelle Halisheff; Edmonton, Danielle Geddes, Smith and Joyce Aulenback, Edmonton.  


Sheila Willis will continue to work on the project, however, as the co-op will be purchasing the History Check app from her, she will not be a board member, to ensure there is no conflict of interest. 


The founding members will be a working board and will establish the basic principles of the cooperative and create its foundations. Once the membership of the co-op has been established they will have a voice in determining the number of board members, their qualifications, and roles. 


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please complete this form.


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