Get Your ING-On In Alberta! ​
We want the world to Get their INGON in Alberta! ... and then beyond.
​The Travel-ING ON Tourism Cooperative is bringing travellers and those providing them with the things to do, see, experience & learn together - differently.
Its a Different Kind of Mobile App
Our upcoming mobile app is different! It encompasses an entire province - thats over 600 communities. It includes travel & other services, attractions, communite stories, and history. Each site or story leads you to links for more local or historical information. You can learn more about the app, and how to use it here. Our goal is to release the Travel-ING ON Mobile App in the spring of 2025 as a free download.
While the download will be free, Lifetime Members will be eligible for specials, discounts and other offers provided exclusively to them by our Business Members. For more information or to apply for membership click here.
The video below will show you how you can explore Alberta using our upcoming Travel-ING On Mobile App, or to use its easy to use features for advertising your business or organization.
Its a Different Kind of Business Structure!
The Travel-ING On Tourism Cooperative was federally incorporated in the summer of 2024. In a cooperative business structure its members are its owners. Learn more about us, becoming a member, and why we chose the cooperatie business structure by clicking here.​
Its a Different Kind of Advertising!
​We are team of humans in a a world of online advertising. We are approachable and reachable to discuss your advertising options, how to improve your site listing, and to discuss questions or ideas for the cooperative.
While a minimal amount of advertising is included with a business Lifetime Membership, our robust Premium Advertising Package is available at the affordable rate of $250 annually. Any business member is encouraged to offer a special, discount or other offer to fellow Lifetime Members. See a list of our members by visiting our members page.
In addition, you may recieve a patronage dividend, depending on the success of the business, and how our members wish to distribute a portion of any profits..
Paying it Forward and Back
We recognize that now all in the tourism & heritage industries have big budgets, and even at the low rate of $250 per year, advertising with the cooperative may not be possible. In response to this, and to ensure all can be a part of the movement, a portion of each Lifetime Membership & Premium Advertising fee goes towards funding the Member's Assistance Fund and the Project Assistance Fund. To learn more click here.

NOTE: Information and terminology may change as the founding members works through the business plan and bylaws and ensures compliance with Cooperative Acts. Information provided is to convey the goals and concepts of the cooperative during the start up phase.
We want to hear your input. Please use one of the forms below.