Your average house wife from the bush doesn't decide to almost single handedly build a heritage & travel app to cover an entire province - and go global as a world wide social initiative - but I did.
One of the biggest challenges has been funding. There are a variety of reasons why grant funding has not been a viable option, that I won't go into. Suffice it to say the History Check app has been a labour of my love (and primarily my finances) during its life.
Upgrades in the coding need to be made to keep the app online, to contract out tasks, and for other needs. Thankfully, I have some very appreciated supporters who have offerd art work, collectables and other items to be placed up for auction as one means of fundraising. One of the first to go up is the Puss n' Boots Cookie Jar as shown below.
I am busy creating an auction page on this website to share the auction items, and where you can places your bid via a form. As I do this, if you would like to be notified as the items go live for auction, please fill out this form.
In the meantime - I'll keep creating the page and getting it ready to go! Have a terrific day!